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Healthy Tips To Set You Free From ANXIETY
Yes! You can manage your emotions through the body!
Great article about engaging through your body to manage your emotions. I’m so excited to see this being addressed. I’ve been teaching body-centered ways of self-care […]

If you’re ready to stop pressuring yourself to do it all, and feeling out of control because you’re coping but not living, register below to request your own 45-minute Anxiety Relief Session. This private telephone consultation will get you focused and back on track. It’s valued at $300 and if your application is accepted, it’s free for you!
Healthy Tips To Keep You CONFIDENT
May 22, 2017
A lot of anxiety and overwhelm is tied to trying too hard, overthinking and over doing, pressuring yourself to meet standards that you wouldn’t expect of […]
April 20, 2017
How can you be less anxious? Here’s the scoop – and just in time to plan for Screen Free Week! As Anderson Cooper found out, there’s […]
April 13, 2017
What do Dr. Pepper and becoming a shapeshifter have in common. Listen to part of my story in a delightful conversation with Robert Dunlap and Patti […]
April 3, 2017
A recent report out of Stanford University that suggests a link between slow, deep breathing and calming anxiety What do you know; breathing really does calm […]